Catania is located on the eastern coast of Sicily and is the second largest city on the island. It is situated at the foot of the biggest volcano in Europe, Mount Etna. With a population of 313,396, Catania is a major transport and economic hub, and university center. Catania and Phoenix established a sister city relationship in 2001. The history of Catania spans more than a thousand years, having been founded in the 8th century BC. In 1434, the first university in Sicily was founded in Catania, making it a major hub for innovation. In the 14th century and into the Renaissance period, Catania was a center for cultural, art and politics in Italy. The city has many museums, restaurants, churches, parks and theatres. Catania is known for its architecture, which is mostly Baroque – the result of rebuilding after a devastating earthquake in 1693. Catania attracts thousands of tourists from around Italy, as well as other countries throughout the world.
Learn more about Catania: Catania city website (Italian) Explore Catania through and interactive map Read La Sicilia Newspaper (Italian, from Catania)
Learn Italian (You do not have to become a member or pay a fee to use any of these sources): Join the Arizona American Italian Club
Catania writer Valeria Pace received an Honorable Mention Certificate for her wonderful poem entered in the 2017 Phoenix Disability Committee International Competition for Writers with Disabilities.
Catania Visitors in Phoenix – March, 2016 Submitted by PSC Catania Committee Chair Alessia Mogavero On March 31st, the Vice-President of the ‘Associazione Catania & Sister Cities’ Salvo Vazzana and his wife, Gina, landed in Phoenix, ready to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the sister-city relationship between Phoenix and Catania. Their 12-day visit was filled with exciting events. They were hosted to a welcome reception and dinner at the home of Peggy and Mike Widener. They were joined by PSC Vice President Rick Gerrard, who met Salvo, in Catania in 2007. Salvo and Gina also met with Ralph Marchetta, general manager of Talking Stick Resort Arena, at the Talking Stick Resort Arena. Ralph received a T-shirt from the ‘Corri Catania’, a charity walkathon held in Catania every May, with 30,000+ people attending. Ralph reciprocated with SUNS t-shirts and jerseys to be raffled at the ‘Corri Catania’ walkathon this year. Salvo and Gina were also elated to watch a Phoenix Suns game and a ‘Disney on Ice’ show at the Arena! Salvo and Gina met with 2015 Youth Ambassador to Catania, Mark Morrissey. Mark presented a check for $2,500 for the Red Cross of Catania, to help fund programs for the refugees arriving to Catania through the Mediterranean Sea. Mark had raised the funds by organizing the ‘March in March’ walkathon in Phoenix. Members of the Catania Committee took the Vazzanas to visit the Heard Museum, the MIM, Sedona, Antelope Canyon, the Grand Canyon, Bisbee, Tombstone and the cathedral of St. Xavier del Bac in Tucson. A party was organized in their honor with the entire Catania Committee in attendance! Prior to their departure, the Vazzanas attended the Mayor’s International Gala, meeting Mayor Greg Stanton and enjoying a wonderful evening. The theme for the Gala this year was Catania. What an extraordinary coincidence!
The Phoenix Sister Cities Catania Committee participates in artistic, cultural, educational and business activities and exchanges between Catania and Phoenix with the goal of bringing the culture of these two important urban centers closer. Among its signature activities is an annual wine tasting highlighting Sicilian wines. The committee also actively supports the Phoenix Sister Cities Youth Ambassador Exchange Program and collaborates on other sister cities events. The Catania Committee meets monthly and welcomes new members.
Catania Committee Contact Information
Chairperson: Ralph Marchetta
Staff Liaison: Rick Gerrard
The committee meets the third Tuesday of the month, except July and August. Meetings begin at 5:30pm at Starbucks at 2802 E. Indian School Rd.